Glorify it is written, "He who glories, let him glory in the LORD." 1 Corinthians 1:31

Monday, September 10, 2012

Warm Reception and hallways in the NP's Office


Before Waiting on decor

Space between restrooms for patients

Before:  Hallway between lab and patient exam rooms

After:  Hallway between exam rooms.  

After:  Custom decor for filing cabinet

Usually don't see clocks in an office...this was very large

After:  Additional view of receptionist area

After:  Finished receptionist area 

After:  Additional view of hall between lab and exam rooms


After: Between restrooms

After:  Right restroom

After:  Enjoyed incorporating NP's faith throughout the office

After:  Left restroom.  Mirror images, different photos

After:  Closeup of hall

After:  Across from tree picture

Here we have arrived at installment #2 of Cumberland Gap Medical.  What do you think? Truly I would have enjoyed getting a warm brown or caramel color on the walls before the decor, however, the owner of the building chose to keep the colors very standard.  By choosing the "nature" decor scheme it lends it's hand naturally to warming colors. Color can be introduced into any setting without the addition of color on painted walls.  Although a different paint choice would truly take this setting to a more dramatic level you can see the difference decor makes.  Although it is an entirely neutral palate, the contrast of the photos and decor really warms the space.  The correct balance was achieved in each area of the office.  Just the correct amount of "scenery" has been placed on the walls to give your eyes a place to rest without the feeling of being overwhelmed. Patients get the sense of being outside while being in a completely enclosed space with no natural light from exterior windows or doors. 

I would like to make a side note on the restroom decor.  My son Storm went with me specifically to get something for the restrooms.  I had no idea what was needed other than it needed to stay within the parameters of nature.  We were visiting my mommy in the hospital after a major surgery when we made a quick run to Kirkland's to see if they offered anything that would work.  He made the choice of what photos to purchase within the store.  We talked about sconces that would add to the pictures instead of taking away.  We also made the quick trip to Hobby Lobby for some iron work.  He chose those all by himself.  He came trotting up to me in the store and said, "Mom, look what I found to go with our God bird pictures!!  These look like bird wings.  Mom we just have to get them!"  Well I believe by the above photos you see how it all came together.  Sometimes your inspiration doesn't come from within you, but from within the others around you.  I cannot say that without Storm pointing out the ironwork looking like bird feathers/wings that I may not have made the connection.   He saw this and we did not have the pictures with us as they were purchased the day before.  Oh to see the world through a child's eyes.

I very much enjoyed being able to decorate this office, however, the portion I enjoyed the most was being able to incorporate the NP's faith.  This is a huge ministry to others.  It is a  way of spreading God's word without opening your lips to do so.  This is a wonderful way to get out God's message by ministering to the heart, soul, mind and eyes.  It is a true blessing to work with clients such as these on each project they have presented to me.  

May your week be filled with God's love and light and your surroundings be that of which brings joy into your lives.  

"We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope."  Romans 5:3-4

Until the next post, Lisa M. Cline

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